Stroke & Traumatic Brain Injury
Acquired Brain Injury Ireland
Acquired Brain Injury Ireland provide community based neuro-rehabilitation services for people who have acquired a brain injury in Ireland.
Headway Ireland
Headway is an Irish registered charity and a brain injury services organisation that supports adults (18+) who are affected by brain injury.
Headway UK
Headway UK provide large number of great resources about brain injury, the effects of brain injury, family issues and relationships, practical issues and employment and education.
Irish Heart Foundation – Stroke Action
There are a number of stroke support groups organised by the Irish Heart Foundation. Find out what support is available near you.
Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's Association of Ireland
Keep up to date with Parkinson's news and find out what support groups are available near you.
Eating, Swallowing & Saliva Control in Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's UK have compiled this nice summary of eating, swallowing and saliva control in Parkinson's.
Recommended Speech Therapy Apps for Parkinson's Disease
Check out our list of recommended apps for Parkinson's Disease.
Aspire Ireland
This organisation offers support and information to people who have Asperger Syndrome/High-functioning Autism and their families.
Meetup Support Groups & Youth Clubs
There are a number of Meetup support groups and youth clubs for people with Aspergers//High-functioning Autism in Dublin.